In modern medicine antibiotics are the most commonly prescribed medicines among all the medications. Antibiotics are useful to treat various types of infections ranging from smaller discomforts like respiratory tract infections to life threatening infections like meningitis and septicemia. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) as per report of situational analysis of antibiotic use and resistance shows, in Asian countries India is a one of the highest that deals with infectious diseases. Patients who are identified to be less than 15 years of age, but whose weight exceeds 36 kg may still be considered as pediatric. For calculating the child dose from adult dose, the weight of the child must be considered. Our results shows Mean age of study subjects was calculated as 22.06 months with a standard deviation 19.52. Most (118; 53.63%) of the subjects are between the age group of 13 months and 5 years, followed by 1M – 12M (98; 44.54%) and 6 Years-13 years (4; 1.81%). Most of the study subjects belongs to female (118; 53.6%) followed by male (102; 46.4%). Most (120; 43.16%) of the children are suffering with URTI. Viral fever (50; 17.98%) was second leading infectious disease in children which is more in 1M to 12 months. More than 1/10th of population suffered for dysentery (34; 12.2%) and rhinitis (30; 10.79%). Children are diagnosed rarely with acute GE (12; 4.31%), LRTI (12; 4.31%), malaria (8; 2.87%), enteric fever (4; 1.43%), ear pain (4; 1.43%), conjunctivitis (2; 0.71%) and varicella (2; 0.71%).